Neighborhood Watch

Constable Glenn White, of Waller County Constable Office, Precinct 2, is conducting a neighborhood watch program that will begin on Saturday, June 27, 2009, at 8:00am and will be held at 27388 Field Store Road, at Judge Hargrave’s office. The program will be an estimated 8 hours long. Due to limited space, this first class will consist of 20 to 30 people. The program will consist of organizing a neighborhood watch and will also consist of citizens appointing block captains and other key personnel. These other topics will briefly be discussed; operation ID (property), at home alone, home security, and citizens on patrol. If interested, please respond as soon as possible by calling 936-931-1914 (Monday-Friday) from 9am to 4pm, or visit the web-site In addition it is hopeful that this will bring better communication and working abilities between the citizens of this community, and law enforcement, in the reduction of crime. As a team, we can succeed! Constable Glenn White

Pct. 2 Constable Glenn White completes Child ID Program at Fields Store Elementary School

Waller County Constable Dept. Pct. 2 Child ID Program

Constable Glenn White conducted a Child Identification Program on May 18th and 19th at Fields Store Elementary School. This program consisted of finger printing and photos being taken, of 600 children, at Fields Store Elementary. These items will be sent home with each child, for the parents to keep, in the event of helping identify children that have gone missing, for any reason.

Constable Glenn White would like to acknowledge and give thanks to the following people, for their help, and support with this program:

Principle, Mary Davis, and Assistant Principle, Claudia Mordecai, of Field Store Elementary along with their staff, who assisted with this program.

Sheriff Glenn Smith (WCSO), for having Deputies Al Sanchez and W. Mathis assist with the program.

Volunteers: Barbara White and Sharon Crisman, Sgt. Billy Parker, along with two former, Waller High School graduates, Peter Crisman and Chase Berthisel, for their assistance as well, with this program.

For all citizens information: Over 800,000 children are missing every year – That is one every 40 seconds:

450,000 children run away

300,000 are abducted by family members

50,000 are abducted by non-family members

Again, I want to thank all of the citizens, of Precinct 2, for your continued support.

Constable Glenn White

Child Identification program scheduled for Fieldstore Elementary School

We will be at the Field Store Elementary School on Monday morning, May, 18, 2009.

One of my deputy's and I, along with some of the school staff, are going to fingerprint the kids and take their pictures for the parents. The beginning of summer is here for the kids and if something should happen to one of them at least the parents will have the information on them for the police.

Neighborhood Sign Program In Progress

Constable Glenn White and Sheriff Glenn Smith are teaming up to keep the Citizens of Pct 2 informed. Signs like the one pictured here, are being placed throughout the community in an effort to let the citizens know how to contact their local officials.


The State of Texas will have a Warrant round up in Waller County starting March 07, 2009 through March 16, 2009 Pct 2 Constable and deputies will be active in the warrant round up for the Pct 2 area.

History Of The Texas Constable

The office of constable dates back at least to 1066 and the Norman Conquest of England. William the Conqueror appointed constables to supervise individual communities, or boroughs. A constable's duties varied considerably in different circumstances and times. They were often similar to those of a sheriff, who supervised a shire (the equivalent of a county). Over time, however, as sheriffs were given increasing administrative duties, constables assumed primary responsibility for local law enforcement. The office of constable had been transplanted to the British colonies in North America by the mid-seventeenth century, and with it continued the divergence between constable and sheriff. In America as in England, the main qualification for the office of sheriff was "that he be of sufficient estate." This limited the choices for sheriff to a relatively small and elite group of planters in each county. As a result, few sheriffs had either the ability or desire to serve warrants or bring offenders to justice. Consequently, the constable and justice of the peace were about the only law and order most rural American settlers ever saw.

On March 5, 1823, John Tumlinson, the newly elected alcalde of the Colorado District in Stephen F. Austin' first colony in Texas, wrote to the Baron de Bastrop in San Antonio that he had "appointed but one officer who acts in the capacity of constable to summon witnesses and bring offenders to justice." That appointee, Thomas V. Alley, thus became the first Anglo law enforcement officer in the future republic and state of Texas. Other prominent colonists who served as constable included John Austin and James Strange.

The Constitution of the Republic of Texas (1836) provided for the election in each county of a sheriff and "a sufficient number of constables." During the ten years of the republic's existence, thirty-eight constables were elected in twelve counties, the first in Nacogdoches County and the largest number (thirteen) in Harrisburg (later Harris) County. Court records indicate that violent crime was rare in the republic, except when horse or cattle thieves entered Texas from Arkansas or Louisiana; most indictments were for nonlethal crimes such as illegal gambling or assaults resulting from fights or scuffles. Juan N. Seguín and Elliott M. Millican both served as constables during the republic.

Shortly after Texas became a state, an act passed by the legislature specified that the constable should be "the conservator of the peace throughout the county," adding that "it shall be his duty to suppress all riots, routs, affrays, fighting, and unlawful assemblies, and he shall keep the peace, and shall cause all offenders to be arrested, and taken before some justice of the peace." Constables were the most active law-enforcement officials in many counties during the early statehood of Texas.

After Texas seceded from the United States in 1861, many county offices, including that of constable, remained unfilled or were filled by men less competent than their predecessors. During the military occupation of Texas after the Civil War, the election of county officials all but ceased, as the Union military appointed more than 200 individuals to state and county offices. A number of these appointees refused to serve; from 1865 to 1869, over one-third of the county offices in Texas were vacant. Many counties had no appointed or elected constables during this period. Austin, DeWitt, Fayette, McLennan, and Navarro counties had but a single constable each, appointed by Gen. Edward R. S. Canby, head of the Fifth Military District, in 1868-69.

Under the Constitution of 1869, a Reconstruction document that centralized many governmental functions, no constables were elected in Texas from 1869 to 1872, though some were appointed by justices of the peace. Many of these appointees lacked experience in handling violent offenders and access to secure jail facilities, and had few deputies to call upon for assistance. They were no match for the poor, embittered, and heavily armed former soldiers from both sides who roamed the state, often turning to crime. As a result, the office of constable began to diminish in importance, and the better-equipped county sheriffs began to assume a leading role in law enforcement. Still, a number of prominent peace officers of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries began their careers as constables or deputy constables, including Thomas R. Hickman, George A. Scarborough, and Jess Sweeten. In 1896, while serving as a United States deputy marshal, Scarborough shot and killed the controversial El Paso constable John Selman, who had himself gunned down the notorious John Wesley Hardin in 1895.

The Constitution of 1876, designed to decentralize control of the state government, reduced the power of many state officials and mandated that constables would once again be elected at the precinct level. A 1954 constitutional amendment extended their term of office from two years to four. Today, constables numbering approximately 780 are elected from precincts in most Texas counties. Their law-enforcement roles vary widely, but in general their police powers are no different from those of other peace officers in the state. Complete records do not exist, but the most recent estimate is that at least ninety-three Texas constables have died in the line of duty, including sixty-seven in the twentieth century.

Today Texas Constable's duties include: JP Court Security, Service of Civil Process, Service of Warrants, Enforcement of both Civil and Criminal Laws. Constables have both Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction in the State of Texas.

Waller County Constable, Pct. 2